5 Story Roundup: Successes, Misses and Takeaways

I’m always learning something new on this platform

Betsy Denson


Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Time for my monthly roundup of successful stories (judged by reader views and responses) and ones that I wish had gotten more traction.

1.) Getting High on Grammarly

Gonna start on a high note. I wrote this in under an hour and once accepted by The Haven it started getting some love, including from Medium, who gave it wider distribution.

2.) It’s the Big Reveal on Home Sweet Home

You know when you write something and you’re like, this is going to be BIG—and then it gets published and the platform is like, meh? That is this piece and I am still wondering how I could have done it better. I love MuddyUm and was glad to get this in their pub though. I’m learning a lot about how to write humor from reading my betters on here.

3.) Food Tasters Who Lived

This is my first piece on my new history pub which I have recently asked readers to follow. It’s going to be a long haul to get traction on the pub but history is a topic I enjoy and I’m excited about it.

4. ) What Is So Special About the Most Stolen Painting in History? & 5.) Painting the Pope Doesn’t Help When You’ve Murdered Someone



Betsy Denson

Always looking for the interesting. Read an article from my pub (Smorgasbord of History) and put me on your short list for kidney donors.